ワクチンとダイビング(Vaccines and diving)




+ ダイバーは、COVID-19ワクチンの各投与後は最低7日間の待機期間を考慮する必要があります。



a. ワクチン接種後の副作用が48時間以上継続している人

b. 以下のような個人的な健康上のリスク要因がある場合。

  + 過剰な体重

  + 慢性代謝性疾患(糖尿病を含む

  + 喫煙

  + 血栓塞栓症のリスクを高める可能性のある薬剤(経口避妊薬を含む)の使用

  + または上記のいずれかの組み合わせ


@For those who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 infections

Divers Alert Network Europe has published the following guidelines for diving after vaccination.


Divers should consider a waiting period of "minimum 7 days" after each dose of COVID-19 vaccine, before engaging in compressed-gas or breath-hold diving activities.


It is advised to extend this interval to 14 days for divers

a. Who have had side effects after vaccination persisting for more than 48 hours

b. With personal health risk factors such as, but not limited to:

  + Excessive body weight

  + Chronic metabolic disease (including diabetes)

  + Smoking

  + Use of medication which may increase the risk of thromboembolic incidents (including oral contraceptives)

  + Or any combination of the above